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Agami's Open Offering of Movement

Stimulate x Experiment x Focus x Create x ∞ =Oomi/Gaami

​OomiGaami is a movement practice born with the collaboration of the Israeli choreographer Danielle Agami and osteopath Remi Boisserie. Open to professional movers and passionate humans alike, we will exercise deeper communication with our bodies. An intimate party of oneself that welcomes dramatic expression, physical effort, and enhanced coordination.

 Agami finds it crucial to allow a new path of thought, movement and creation where she can maintain her research, share it, and continue making dance accessible to as many people as possible. She believes that a movement practice should stay innocent from style, and that imitation should be replaced with ownership and understanding. Agami believes that the conversation between the students and teachers should always be a positive dialogue. Oomi/Gaami is a separate avenue, an evolution sourced through Gaga


By taking classes you declare that you are in good shape, and understand the nature of dance activities. You fully accept and assume all responsibility for injury or damage that may result from your participation in class. You release and hold harmless teachers and other participants with respect to any or all injury or damages arising from the activity to the fullest extent permitted by law.

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